Although the FDA does not pre-approve promotional materials for prescription drugs, it does monitor these materials to ensure they adhere to the FDA regulations. When disseminating new promotional materials, pharmaceutical companies are required to submit a copy of these materials to the FDA using Form FDA 2253.1 After reviewing this […]
Ida D
3 posts
One writing advice I heard over the years is to avoid hedging words as these words make your sentences sound uncertain or less confident. When writing promotional materials for pharmaceutical products, however, sometimes you cannot avoid using these “undesirable” words. What are Hedging Words? Hedging words are words used to […]
Clients sometimes ask me if I can write a stronger claim to promote their health product on a website or brochure. For example, the term “proprietary technology” is good, but “clinically proven technology” sounds even better. So, can we simply use the latter? The answer depends on whether you have […]